Breakfast Bake

Breakfast during the week is tough. Hungry enough to eat, not enough time to cook, expensive and unhealthy to grab something quick. So I spent some time this Saturday, making up something good.

There's a microwave at work, so I wanted to find something that will be delicious warmed up. Also wanted to use up leftovers. Also wanted to make two of everything to share with S.

On the left, spicy potato knish. Had my first in Brooklyn many years ago and many more since. Had many great samosas, too, and was considering something in between. The dough was a bit too elastic to roll out, but eventually I stuffed it with leftover roasted potatoes and green beans, chopped up small with Indian curry-type spices. Egg wash made them very pretty. If I was making these alone, I would have scrambled the rest of the egg and added it inside.

In the middle, an even bigger mashup - starting with James Beard's biscuit recipe, which makes a great steamed bun. I brought in 1/3 whole wheat flour and stuffed with leftover sweet potato and a bit of soy sauce.

Finally, on right, a baked whole wheat pancake muffin. I found a recipe that was almost ready to use, just wanted to omit sausage and include maple syrup.

Now I'm looking forward to my mornings. I'll add tasting comments next week.


weekend bake

spicy potato knish
Based on

knish + indian spices

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon table salt
1/4 large egg, save just a bit
1/8 cup vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon white vinegar
1/8 cup water
Rest 1 hour in fridge
makes 2
roll out as thin as possible
roll up to stuff, overlap twice or as much as possible, crimp ends
brush with a bit of egg mixed with tiny bit of water
375, 45 mins

could scramble the rest of the egg and use inside.

Whole wheat sweet potato steamed buns
based on:

biscuit + steamed bun + whole wheat goodness

2/3 cup AP flour
1/3 C WW flour
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 Tbsp cold butter
1 Tbsp oil
1/3 cup milk

this dough is not fussy when used for steaming
divide into 4, stuff with sweet potato and a bit of soy sauce
seal tight, put on wax paper squares, into steamer
steam for 15 mins

Whole Wheat Pancake Muffins
based on:

1/2 cup WW Flour
1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder
1/8 teaspoon Salt
1/3 cup Milk
1/2 Egg
1 Tbsp Butter, melted
1 Tbsp Syrup
makes 3
pour into buttered muffin tin, put  a bit of water into empty bins
350, 15 mins

didn't rise much. maybe should be two big muffins.

I tried pouring the syrup when tins were half-filled, then topped with rest of batter. Bottom of muffin ended up a bit soggy. next time maybe I'll try mixing into batter.



- knish - awesome, inside and out.
- bun - this was great microwaved. bun soft, sweet beet center. not too great toasted, though  filling was good. could re-steam, too. here's a pic of bun before toasting:
- muffin - way too bland, imagine an untoasted, whole wheat english muffin. Not that I've eaten one on purpose. Either mix in flavors or better off making a good muffin. morning glory ... mmm. though used another one to make an egg sandwich and that was pretty tasty but not wide and flat enough. could also try this as a quick english muffin batter?