11.18.06 Alex & Ika 5

Now I was located at the head of the head of the table in the most comfortable chair. That last seat, I now realized, was too close to the heater. I was ready for my nap.
To my dismay, I was presented with a deliscious dish -- porcini mushroom stuffed with chestnuts and chilis on a bed of soft braized spinich and chipotle aoli.
I begged for mercy. Some had to skip it altogether. Others wolfed it down.
Had this been the second dish, it might have been my favorite. In this position in the meal, it almost killed me.
Luckily, my table-mates distracted me with conversation about the CVS school, which needs work. I also learned about one of the first bio-metric lunch programs that protected kids from bullies. Cool.
I hated to let part of the dish be taken away, but I certainly didn't want to pass up dessert.